Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Latest Happenings

Hello Blog world, it's been a while!  I'm excited to tell you about what has been going on in our lives since my last post in January.  So here we go!

I must say our house was experiencing some rivalry tension when the Bears lost to the Packers in the NFC championship game, I was heart broken and Dan was thrilled!!  And of course he was even more thrilled when the Packers went on to win Superbowl XLV in the year of our baby's birth!  Will our child grow up to be a Bears fan or a cheese head?!  We will soon find out!  We also hosted the annual Superbowl party again this year, it is one of my favorite party's to throw!

We have gotten the baby's suite (nursery) almost completely finished now.  My dad and Dan installed the ceiling fan, Dad H fixed the cable jack box and all the furniture has arrived!  We now just need to hang the shelves on either side of the window and complete the wall art above the crib.  But here are some pics for your enjoyment... I could sit and stare at this beautiful room all day!

 February 1st and 2nd was also marked in history as one of the biggest snow storms to push through Chicago.  When it was all said and done, I believe we got 20+ inches of snow with 50 mph winds that created snow drifts up to 8 feet high!  Needless to say, we were snowed in!  Here are some pics of Dan helping the landscaping company shovel us out:


1 comment:

  1. Great pics, you're making a great blog, keep up the the journaling. Its good to hear your loving heart, Kate. Love Daddy.
