My day started off real good. I met up with my family, minus Sean but plus Cameren, for breakfast at McDonalds. That was delightful. Then I met up with Angie and Tehya and Alison and Parker downtown Geneva to walk along 3rd street. It turned out to be a beautiful day to do this. We also went to Starbucks, which is a must! Angie bought be my favorite drink, a cinnamon dolce latte, iced. Al bought us some cake balls to share, although hers are MUCH better! Thanks girls! Then we strolled around until about 4:30 when I said I should get going to be home when Dan got home. Lo and behold... he was already waiting for Josiah and I when we got there with one of the most beautiful bouquet of flowers ever! He said he had made dinner reservations at a surprise restaurant for 7pm so we would have to leave soon. I fed Josiah, freshened up my makeup, and got in the car. We drove over to the forest preserve across Armytrail because we apparently had some time to kill. I thought it was somewhat odd, but Dan quickly played it off in saying that it was a beautiful day and he wanted to take a walk. It was very nice. We stopped at one of the pier decks overlooking the pretty pond and Dan gave me my birthday card that had a Starbucks gift card in it (of course!) and my two fave candies- skittles and starbursts (which he said were from Josiah! : ) It was around 6:40 when I said can't we be a little early to dinner, I'm starving! So we got back to the car and he blindfolded me. He really took me for a loop d loop, I had no idea where we were going until... he turned onto our street, don't ask me how I knew, I just recognized the turn! We pulled into our driveway and he told me to take off the blind fold. As I did the garage door was going up and all I could see were peoples legs and then as it went up all the way, there were all my family and closest friends standing there smiling and saying "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" It was Grrrrreat!! That picture will forever be etched in my mind! So Dan pulled it off and threw me a wonderful surprise birthday party. I have such a studly husband! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the night...
I love my girlfriends! (missing Alison here)
Heres a pic of my beautiful flowers!
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