Yesterday was a very fun, but very long day. The garage sale we have been prepping for for a few weeks now started yesterday, & it was busy! What a beautiful day to have a garage sale. & what a beautiful day to go shop garage sales. A few of my girlfriends met me there in the am to score some deals too, & boy did we! I came away with a baby gate to block off our kitchen, a booster seat for when Siah outgrows the highchair, a little tikes basketball hoop (Oh ya!), a few lil boy clothing items, & 2 (1 for us & 1 for my mom) toy lawn mowers. SUCCESS!
Well after a few hours out & about & a sun burn later (ouch!), we took time out to play & then eat lunch. I tried putting Siah down for a nap at my aunts but it being somewhat unfamiliar, he wouldn't have it. So we went for a walk instead & while singing Jesus Loves Me over & over again, my active, never wants to sit still, lil boy finally fell asleep! For 45 minutes. & well 45 mins is never a long enough nap for that busy of a lil boy. But he adjusted fine & just went on exploring like most lil boys like to do. After we closed up shop for the day, we drove out to Hampshire, with Nana, to see Josiah's uncles & have dinner. Again, Josiah couldn't get enough of play, play, play. On our drive home he took a cat nap & then we played & played some more, squeezed in a bath & went to bed around 8:15pm. I would have loved to put him to bed sooner since we had such a long, busy day, but Josiah is too smart for his britches some times & thinks now since its still light out at 7:30-8, he should be able to stay up longer. Dan got home around 9:45 from a work dinner meeting & we went to bed shortly after.
Okay, so I tell you all this so you know a little bit how I felt when Josiah woke up at 3am = ) I was exhausted, I was pooped, I was frustrated, I was sad, well you get the picture! So I sat up with him for close to an hour rocking him, & it didn't take me long to realize how precious my son is all cuddled up in my arms on my lap & how blessed I am to be able to hold him & comfort him. This doesn't happen very often anymore (where I get to hold him & rock him), so I knew I had to cherish the moment. So cherish I did. I started singing worship songs to my God, & thanking him for entrusting such a sweet lil boy to me.
But... after an hour I figured it was time to lay him back down in his crib. Well... he didn't like that too much. So for the first time in a LONG time, I brought our almost 14 month old into bed with us at 4:20 in the morning & we slept peacefully until 6:30am. Now, no this is not my ideal night of sleep, but I am choosing to cherish it in my heart forever. Because I know when my son is grown & living on his own I will remember last night & thank God for it once again!
I write this now as Josiah is taking a morning nap, which he never does anymore, but after a day & night like last, he sure did need it. & I'm sipping my coffee & looking out the window at another beautiful day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice & be glad in it!
Lovin mommy-hood,
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