Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5

Monday, August 29, 2011

::5 Month update::Recap of Summer::Preview of Fall::

Josiah is 5 months and 1 1/2 weeks old, doesn't even seem possible!  He is now about 17 pounds and in 6-9 month clothing.  Yes, he is a HEALTHY lil boy!  He is sitting up better by himself now, not without the occasional tumble though.  He scoots around, not forward or backwards, but in circles!  Its quite fun to watch!  We can pretty much get him to smile on command & laugh when we try hard enough.  Siah has been "sleeping in" until 7-7:30 for a couple weeks now and boy has mama been savoring that extra hour of sleep!  We will probably start feeding him rice cereal this week, as I think he is ready for it.  I believe that is all the update on Josiah for now, enjoy a few pics from his 5 month photo shoot:

 Look at that face!

  We have really been enjoying our summer, its sad to see it end, but because my favorite season follows summer, its never too hard to say "goodbye".  We have had our fare share of weddings, lazy pool days, play dates with friends, birthdays, anniversaries, parties, backyard bbq's, small group fun, weekend getaways, boating, softball games, family days, fireworks, festivals, and well you get the picture: FUN, FUN, FUN!  Here are some pics from our weekend in Lake Geneva on the boat:

 What a little cutie in his life jacket!
 Taking it all in!
 Josiah absolutely loved being on the boat!
Our family of 3!

But I am definitely looking forward to fall and all that comes with it... especially FOOTBALL!  Yes, I'm a little obsessed.  Our Sunday afternoons/evenings and Monday nights consist of being lazy and watching football.  It might look a little different this season since we have a baby to care for, but if Josiah is at all like his mama, he will enjoy watching the games with us! (I hope!)  The list of reasons I love the autumn season goes on though:  Beautiful colors of the changing leaves, home cooked chili, sweatshirts, apple cider, apple cider donuts, fall decorations, pumpkins, visiting the apple orchard and pumpkin patch and cooler weather.  I'm also particularly excited about the start of fall because I am going to be participating in a woman's small group studying the Entrusted curriculum.  I have only heard phenomenal things about this study and raves and raves, so I'm pretty pumped.  I truly believe the LORD has blessed Dan and I with Josiah and has entrusted him to us to train him up in the way he should go (Prov. 22:6).  And one way to help me do that is to use the resources God has given us, which includes Entrusted.  I am looking forward to meeting other moms and to be encouraged in my faith.  Dan is also going to be joining a mens small group.  So that is a preview of our fall which will also include more birthdays, 3 more weddings, anniversaries, parties, and the list I'm sure will expand.  Until next time, asta!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Reading the Bible Chronologically in 1 Year=Complete!

About a week ago I finished reading the Bible chronologically in a year.  This past year of studying God's Word has been amazing, life changing, eye opening, and really good for my relationship with Christ.  He has taught me a lot, grown my faith, challenged me and created in me a new passion for Him.  I, like many others I've heard say, always struggled with devotionals... when to do it, where to do it, what to read, so on and so forth.  But when I decided to read the Bible chronologically and actually study the verses I was reading, God began to speak to me.  I woke up every morning with a desire to read the good Word and spend time with the LORD.  It was incredible!  I think so often we read the Bible without actually taking in what it has to say and applying it to our lives.  I think we often "read" the Bible instead of "study" the Bible.  There is a difference.  We should meditate on it day and night (Joshua 1:8).  I would love to get better at memorizing scripture because I truly believe it is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).  

Back in December last year when I was studying Proverbs and Ecclesiastes I came across an online blog: and I have been referring to it ever since.  I remember reading some of the entries for Ecclesiastes and loved what the blogger had to say.  Here is one of my journal entries after reading it:  I really pondered chapters 2 & 3 of Ecclesiastes.  Most of the book is about us as humans finding meaning in life and wisdom.  A part from God our human efforts are meaningless.  Chapter 2:24-25 is the heart of Ecclesiastes.  Only in God does life have meaning and true pleasure.  Without him nothing will satisfy us, but with him we can find satisfaction and enjoyment.  True pleasure can only come when we aknowledge and revere God (12:13).  Ecclesiastes 3 makes me think of the song by Carrie Underwood when she sings the words "this is my temporary home..."  God has made a beautiful world for us to live in and enjoy while we are here, but because we were made for eternity, the things of this world cannot fully satisfy us.  I'm also reminded throughout these chapters that I can't take anything that I have here on earth with me.  What God has blessed me with to enjoy is a bonus, a gift from him.  It is not my right or guarantee to have nice things and have wealth.  It is better to be content with what I have than go after my fleshly desires.  Lord, show me what it means to fear God, have a true reverence of you.  I pray you would teach me to be content and find true pleasure and satisfaction in you.  Teach me your ways Father and lead me in the way everlasting.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I'm so glad I stuck with it, even reading those harder to read Old Testament books!  God is good!  God is faithful!  God is worthy to be praised!  And I praise Him for teaching me all that He did in this past year!  I challenge you to read the Bible chronologically in a year.  I challenge you to really study the verses you are reading.  I'm going to do it again.  Are you with me?

Thankful for God's Word,