Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Day to Remember: Dedication & Birthday Party

Two weekends ago our baby boy, my lil prince, turned 1!  The events of that weekend fill me with such joy!  Josiah's birthday was on Saturday, March 17th, & it was a beautiful, sunny, 80 degree day.  We had a family photo shoot done by Rich & Leeann Chang, who are good friends of ours & are superb photographers.  I will hopefully get these amazingly beautiful pictures up soon!

Sunday, March 18th, was another beautiful, sunny, 80 degree day!  That morning was very special to us as we had Josiah dedicated to the LORD in a small service with friends & family at Harvest Bible Chapel.  (1Samuel 1:28)  Pastor Marc Abatacola did such a great job with the dedication.  He gave a short message first from Deuteronomy 6:5-9 & then us & 4 other families stood up in front to commit to raising our child up in the LORD.  Pastor Marc asked each parent the child's name they are dedicating, the meaning of the name & why we chose it.  We chose the name Josiah for our lil boy because of the meaning, the Lord saves, & because of king Josiah in the Bible who did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and did not turn aside to the right or to the left. (2 Kings 22:2)  We pray that for Josiah every night, that he would come to know the LORD personally at a young age & that he wouldn't turn to the right or left, but that he would stay on the straight & narrow.  Pastor Marc then asked Dan to read over Josiah the Bible verse we chose for him, which is Zephaniah 3:17~ "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save;  he will rejoice over you with gladness;  he will quiet you by his love;  he will exult over you with loud singing."  Pastor Marc then prayed over us, it was so special.  What was also very neat is that after we all sat down, Pastor Marc went on to say, specifically to the guests who came, that by dedicating your child to the LORD does not by any means save that child.  He wanted to make it very clear that salvation is a gift & a decision Josiah & the other children will have to make on their own someday.  We as his parents cannot make that decision for him, & that is why we pray every day that Josiah would accept the LORD as his Savior early in life.

Later that day we had Josiah's 1st Birthday Party at church, & it worked out so perfectly!  On the 3rd floor they have a children's playground that the kids had so much fun playing on!  We provided a light lunch, socialized with all the guests, had the smash the cake session & opened gifts.  We were amazed at the outpouring of love on our son that day & every day for that matter.  We are so thankful for our family & friends who came, shared their support, & who helped out.  It made it all the more special & a day I will never forget!  Our good friends, Rich & Leeann, also took pictures at Josiah's party, so I will get those up soon.

It's crazy to think a year has already come & gone & our baby boy is growing up before our eyes.  But I love watching him learn & grow & become such a fun-loving little boy!


To my Birthday Boy

My Birthday Boy,

  It is unbelievable to me that you are 1!  As I reflect on your BIRTHday just one year ago, March 17th 2011, I am filled with so many different emotions.  It was the best day of my life, Josiah.  When I finally figured out that I was in labor with you, I was super excited, a little nervous, yes, but mostly excited!  Your daddy & I couldn't wait to meet you & hold you & take care of you.  Josiah Daniel, your first breath took ours away.  We couldn't believe how beautiful you were, a perfect miracle from God.  We were in awe.  We were in love.  And we couldn't believe you were ours, God is so good!  From that moment on our lives were forever changed & we would be forever grateful for our beautiful firstborn son.  I will never forget those first few days of your life, Josiah, they were so special.  We tried to soak up every moment, knowing how fast time goes by.  

It's amazing how much you have grown & changed in just one short year... from being a newborn infant who was completely dependent on me, to this little boy, a toddler, who can walk & say words.  Who no longer needs to be nursed, bottle fed or rocked to sleep.  A little boy who loves life, is so determined to figure things out & accomplish new things, who is strong willed & independent.  But also a little boy who is so loving, compassionate, & such a sweetheart.  We are starting to see your fun-loving personality shine & we love it!  You love to laugh & make people laugh.  I think you are gonna be the "funny" guy, the class clown.  You are the king of expressions, you have a face for everything, & its so cute!  We love that about you Josiah.  Thank you for making us smile : )  

Life as we knew it completely changed that day, March 17, 2011 & I wouldn't have it any other way.  Even though we have hard days & bad days, the good days far outweigh any of them & I am so thankful to our God for allowing me to be your Mama.  I can't imagine my life without you, Josiah.  I love you to the moon & back.  I'll love you forever & always, & as long as I'm living, my baby you will be.  

Happy 1st Birthday Boy!  I love you!  XoXo Mama XoXo

Happy Birthday Dear...

  Today is a day that is very important to me because, 29 years ago on this day, March 31, 1983, my dear husband, Daniel David, was born.  So this post is a birthday tribute to the man in my life I have the privilege of calling "Husband".  I'm going to share this poem that completely says it all if you ask me!

For my Husband, my true Love!

  The day I met my knight is one that changed my world forever-
  I gazed into those eyes and knew we'd always be together!

  So kind and gentle, caring, too-
  a sweet and studly charmer.  
  A man above all other men-
  my hunk in shining armor!

  Now years have passed and though, at times, we've had our share of hassles,
  Through thick and thin,
  love reigns supreme,
  and laughter fills our castle!

  My life reads like a storybook,
  with love that's never-ending.
  You found me... Once upon a time...
  And you're my... Happy Ending! 

Here's to many more birthdays to celebrate life together, Daniel!  Happy Birthday, my love!  I love you more than you will ever know!
  Your Bride, Katey